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Nascar Crazy Crashes 5.0.2
See the craziest Nascar car crashes ofall-time. Watch amazing Nascar drivers walk away from thesecrashes. Nascar the greatest game in town!!!! Nascar drivers arereal heroes.
Mac & Cheese Recipes 2.1.1
It's the number 1 comfort food....Mac andCheese....this delicious all time favorite can be made in a varietyof ways....this app has easy video instructions for you tofollow.
Author Jim Musgrave 2.0.2
James Musgrave (aka, Efraim Z. Graves) is anauthor and college educator in San Diego, California. His recentnon-fiction title, The Digital Scribe: a Writer's Guide toElectronic Media(AP Professional, ISBN 0-12-512255-1) has been internationallypublished. He has a M.A. degree in Creative Writing from San DiegoState University. He was awarded the “Ebook of theYear Award, 2001-2002” from for his thriller,Russian Wolves. In addition, Mr. Musgrave has finished as aFinalist in the New Century Writer Awards for his novelexcerpt, Iron Maiden. Runner-Up in the $10,000 Annual HeekinFoundation Awards for New Fiction Writers (1994). He has publishedshort fiction in many literary journals, including:San Diego Writer's Monthly, FirstDraft, Sniplits Audio ShortStories to Go, Back Channels, Pacific Review, California Quarterlyand Cowles Mountain Journal. He has also beenpublished at CIC Publishers with four novels: Sins of Darkness,Russian Wolves, Iron Maiden and Lucifer’s Wedding and a collectionof short fiction, The President’s Parasite andOther Stories. Mr. Musgrave’s story, “Speculum” was an HonorableMention in the Fog City Writer’s Awards, and “Turning the LawWheel” was an Honorable Mention in the Cedar Hill Press ShortFiction Contest.
Author Anjuelle Floyd 4.0.2
Anjuelle Floyd is a wife of thirty years,mother of three, abstract painter, and licensed Marriage and FamilyTherapist specializing in Mother-Daughter Relations andDreams.She is the author of a collection of short stories, Keeper ofSecrets … Translations of an Incident (2007,) and two novels, TheHouse (2010,) and Seasons in Purdah (2012.)Anjuelle’s short stories and novels turn on the dynamics of womenfor whom life challenges impel them to examine the flawedrelationships with their mothers in an effort to improveconnections and interactions with their husbands andintimates.
BMX Crashes 5.1.1
See the wildest BMX crashes on yourmobiledevice.
Learn Tango Video App 8.0.2
Learn to tango on your mobile phone. 14simplevideo lessons will have you doing the sensual tango in notime.Tango dance classes on your android device. No need for atangodance studio!!!! Your on the go dance class.
Business Over Coffee 2.0
We work with professionals who want tooptimizetheir business through social media, educational exchangeandnetworking events.Business Over Coffee International (BOCI) was founded in 2011bySherri Henley. BOCI is headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee.Sherri Henley is Bringing Everyone Together throughconnections,collaboration, exposure and business.As Founder and CEO of Business Over Coffee International(BOCI),keynote speaker, social media intelligence trainerandcollaborative leader; Sherri has learned the art of balancingherlife between being a wife, mother of two small childrenandcommunity leader. In addition to effectively managing one ofthefastest growing business networks with international reach intheMidSouth, Sherri hosts weekly radio and television shows onBOCITalk Radio Channel, BOCI TV and Sharing with Sherri. Shealsoserves as local chapter board member of National AssociationofWomen Business Owners (NAWBO).In addition to business success, Sherri is a published authorofpoetry, recording artist and has served as Pastor and PresidentofNon-Profit Organizations. Sherri presently serves as theprogramdirector for BOCI Professional Boost Internship Programthathighlights her initiative to invest into the lives of peoplewithbusiness aspirations. Sherri has also been recognized forhercommunity efforts with awards including the Kindle Award byTheLoretta McNary Show, Excellence Award by National CollegeofBusiness and Technology, Outstanding Community Service AwardbyNetworking in Memphis, , Certificate of Appreciation by recognition of facilitating leadership techniques basedonCareers and Entrepreneurship, and Good Samaritan AwardbyInternational Fellowship of Pastoral Counselors andChaplains.Although Sherri remains in demand, her demeanor remains oneofhumble beginnings. Being raised in a Pastor's home,Sherri'sbeliefs and actions are based upon core Christian valuesbeingtranslated to integrity upheld by the executive councilandadvisors of Business Over Coffee International; adopting thelifemission of Sherri Henley; Bringing Everyone Together.Membership and Service Oriented. Copy and paste link belowformore details: 07/2013 - Subject to change without notice.Phone: (901) 820-4469Email: connect@businessovercoffee.bizWebsite:
Jo-Anne Vandermeulen 6.0.1
AUTHOR, BUSINESS OWNER, BLOGGER EXPERT,RADIOHOST, iPAPER WRITER, MARKETER, and MORE! *While sizzlingwithenergy, Jo-Anne Vandermeulen is an inspiration for many!
Anne Nordhaus-Bike 3.0.2
Writer, artist, astrologer, mystic.President,ANB Communications. Award-winning astrology writer.
Sherri Henley 4.0
Collaborative Leader:Working hard to bring businesses, leaders, andentrepreneurstogether to create a win-win situation andbusinessenvironment.CEO:Sherri started quickly-growing collaborative businessnetworkinggroup, BOCI, and remains deeply and personally involvedandcommitted, amid the growth of her personal demand.Author:Sharing her knowledge, her skill set, and her story inSherri’slauded writing style and voice. Available now throughseveralchannels.Social Media Intelligence Trainer:Teaching business leaders and owners how to leverage the powerofsocial media in their industry through personalized,privatetraining, as well as public workshops.
Tie LoveLoveLove Bracelet 4.0.2
This easy instructional video show you howtotie the Taylor Swift Love Love Love bracelet.
Northgate Foursquare Church 2.0.2
Welcome to the Northgate FoursquareAndroidApp. Whether you were intentionally looking for us, orjuststumbled by on a Google search gone astray, we are gladyou’rehere. Whatever your age, or season of life, we believe thatwe havesomething just for you, because, quite frankly we are agroup ofpeople made up of people just like you.Some might look at us and see; seniors, single moms, newparents,teenagers, recently divorced, or newly re-married, but welike togather everyone together and simply call it “family” (andyes, ourfamily does have that awkward cousin and quirky aunt). Wedon’t allhave the same last name, and we certainly don’t all lookalike, butthanks to the love and acceptance we’ve received fromJesus we’vebecome family and are learning together about thedifference makinglife that Jesus wants for us.We believe that church should be one of the happiest places yougoall week (even if you’ve been to Disneyland that week) andthatregardless of where you are at, or what you are walkingthrough,you would feel accepted and encouraged from your timewithus.PS. If you show up in a suit and tie you can expect a warmwelcomebecause everyone will know you’re a guest.
Affaire de Coeur Magazine 6.0.2
Welcome to Affaire de CoeurMeet, greet, and read about your favorite authors andtheirlatest books. Affaire de Coeur Book Review Magazine, youronlineconnection bringing you the most recent articles andreviewsavailable on the web. You will find on our pages, honestbookreviews from all genres, fiction and non-fiction.
How to Tie a Tie 5.0.2
Easy to follow videos show you how toproperlytie a tie.
Margaret Phalor Barnhart 7.0.2
An inspirational and hopeful read ..."JourneyUnknown" for cancer patients, their families, and theirfriends.Actually, anyone who is coping with the pain and reality ofanytype of loss will want to read this book. It will also be ofhelpto: nurses and doctors, pastors and chaplains, hospice staffandvolunteers, social workers. Focusing on the Emotional AspectsofCancer, Mastectomy, and Chemotherapy. Author MargaretPhalorBarnhart
Author Renee Wiggins 8.0.2
Life hardships,obstacles can be your bridgetoa better opportunity.Be ye transformed by renewing your mind. Affirmyourself-releasethe past, the brokenness, give up the struggle andmove forward.TODAYWe all have had our ups and downs in our lives, some morethanothers. But, how we end up in the end, determines how weactuallysee the storms. The storms help us to change to a betterandstronger person. Resisting change can make the obstacles,thehindrances and the storms become even more unbearable. However,ifwe choose to view them in a different light, change can moveusinto a bigger and better job, or a more rewarding,lovingrelationship -it indeed can make us better.
Author Vicki Hinze 4.0.2
USA Today best selling author. MA inCreativeWriting, a Ph.D. in Theocentric Business andEthics.Seminar/workshop lectures for over a decade. Author of 30novels, 3non-fiction books, and hundreds of articles. Acted as aconsultantfor the RWA Board of Directors; charter sponsor and VPofInternational Thriller Writers. Corporate background (DirectorofOperations).Publishers include: Waterbrook-Multnomah (RandomHouse),Medallion Press, Bantam (Random House), Harlequin,Silh9ouette, St.Martin's Press, Kensington (Pinnacle), SpilledCandyTraditional**Includes only publishers of book/novels.Specialties: writing suspense, mystery, thriller,romanticelements.
Author Doreen Hanna 5.0.2
Our journey began with teen girls more thanadecade ago, when Doreen Hanna, the Founder & PresidentofModern Day Princess (MDP) Headquarters, saw the need foranintegrity based rite-of-passage for our teen girls intoday’sculture.In her research she discovered that most third worldcountriesand religions had a way of celebrating their children’sstep intoadulthood. Those that had none resulted in many men andwomendrifting into their futures with an undefined identity.In 2007 Focus on the Family/Tyndale saw the value of this ofthisrite of passage and published Raising a Modern DayPrincessco-authored by Doreen & Pam Farrel. As of 2013,thousands ofmoms, mentors, and leaders have caught the vision andimplementedthis program impacting the lives of more than 25,000teen girls andtheir families.Today, MDP Headquarters continues to empower women as theyguidetheir teen girls life impacting Becoming a MDP rite ofpassagejourney and celebration that reveals and validates theirpurpose,value and strength.
Author Peter Sacco 5.0.3
Peter is an author, psychology professorandformer private practitioner. He resides in one of themostpicturesque regions of the world, NiagaraFalls.www.petersacco.comBiographyPeter is also columnist/author of over 500 articles in CanadianandUSA media/magazines. He has also written several book reviewsforPrentice-Hall Publishing Canada.TELEVISION AND MEDIASacco appears regularly on television and radio talk shows bothinthe United States and Canada. He has been the assistantproducerand host of documentaries on relationships, psychologicalissuesand child issues. Some of the shows include:HAUNTED NIAGARA – Host/writerMENTAL HEALTH MATTERS (2 seasons) – Host/producerRETURN TO HAUNTED NIAGARA – Host/writerPARENTING IN THE MILLENNIUM – Host/writerCRIMINAL INTENT: ACTUS RUES (pilot episode) – Host/writerFAST FOOD DATING: YOUR 2 CENTS – Host/writerBODY TALK (Pre-production) – Host/writerPeter has also written scripts for TV commercials, as well asforLos Angeles/Canadian movie production companies. He was workedwithAcademy Award winner Joe Mayer and also wrote Vices commercialwhichpremiered at the Boston Film Festival.ACADEMICHe is an Adjunct Psychology Professor at Niagara UniversityinLewiston, NY in the Teacher Education Program. Creatorandinstructor of the Criminal Psychology Program offered atNiagaraCollege, Canada. He is also an instructor at McMasterUniversity,Canada in the Addiction Studies Program and PoliceFoundationsStudy. Sacco is also an international lectureronpsychology/self-help related topics. Peter received theExcellencein Teaching from McMaster University in 2004 after 3previousnominations. Peter also occasionally lectures atBrockUniversity.In 2008 Peter received the ultimate compliment when hewasnominated for the Reality TV show TVO's Best LecturerinCanada!
Author Kat Cunningham 2.0.2
Like a cat (KAT) I have lived more thanninelives of style related businesses: Florist, Restaurant owner,Eventdesigner, Educator, European magazine publisher, Businessintuitivecoach, Radio personality, Animal Communicator, DesignerofSix-Sense Style jewelry, fashions and home/workstyleaccessories,MY GOAL: As a sales and marketing professional my goal is to usemyNINE LIVES OF LETTING GO experience, system and process tomentorothers on how to make daily "Feel Good" decisions toattract,create and balance the life they want. I teach "out of thebox"ideas in lifestyle choices.Specialties: I help people to find their passionqualitiespersonally or with business and put it into a visibledesignedspace to reflect who they are and to stay focused on whatthey wantto attract to them as their style - I created the "Passion4 ActionSystem for Decision Making.
Author Maggi Andersen 2.0.2
Maggi Andersen and her lawyer husband areemptynesters, living in the countryside outside Sydney with theircat andthe demanding wildlife. Parrots demand seed, possums fruit,ducksswim in the stream at the bottom of the garden, and theneighborschickens roam their yard providing wonderful eggs. Shebegan writingadventure stories at age eight. Three children, aBachelor of Artsdegree and a Master of Arts in Creative Writingdegree later, hernovels are still filled with adventure andsuspense, but are alsopassionate romances. Georgette Heyer amongothers, broughtinspiration to her seductive Regencies and she alsowrites darker,Victorian novels, contemporary romantic suspense andyoungadult.
WIndows COmputer OPtimization 3.1.7
Learn how to clean, tweak, repair andoptimizeyour Windows computer to achieve maximum performanceandsecurity.
Author Kenna McKinnon 2.0.2
Kenna McKinnon is a freelance writerandself-employed medical transcriptionist, occasionalrunner,intermittent hatha yoga, karate and boxer student, andfrequentwalker. She lives in a high rise studio suite in thequaintneighborhood of Oliver in the City of Edmonton. Her mostmemorableyears were spent at the University of Alberta, whereshemiraculously graduated with BA with Distinction in Anthropologyin1975.She has lived successfully with schizophrenia for many yearsandis now a senior woman, member of the Writers' Guild of Alberta,Uof A Alumni, and the Canadian Authors Association. She hadthreewonderful children and three grandsons.Kenna is the author of SpaceHive, a YA/MG sci-fi/fantasy;TheInsanity Machine, a memoir with the latest research availableatthe time of writing, and fashioned with the input of AustinMardon,PhD, CM; and DISCOVERY – A Collection of Poetry, allreleased in2012. All are available in eBook and paperback on Amazonworldwide.A YA/MG fantasy, BIGFOOT BOY: Lost on Earth, has beenaccepted byMockingbird Lane Press and will be released in printOctober 30,2013.This app is free of ads and only requests access to yourinternetconnection and your mobile network in order to view siteslinkedto.Screenshots are taken from a Sunsung Galaxy S3. Screenresolution1280 X 720 & 720 X 1280, 320 XHDPILove & Light & Keep Bright,Your Friendly Neighbourhood Android App Developer,Nate Chambers
Author Michael Dutton 3.0.2
Having migrated from South Jersey with mywife,Carol, and our daughters, Meg and Kate, nearly seventeenyears ago,we remain in Newport, Rhode Island, firmly anchored inour adoptedhome town. The exotic specimens of trees, which seacaptains broughtto the island (Aquidneck) throughout the years,are constant sourcesof fascination, frequent implants in my worksof fiction.I began writing fiction when I was eleven years old. The notion-"suspension of disbelief" - was utterly foreign.At Stockton State College, I acquired a degree inliterature(graduating summa cum laude - perhaps at the top of myclass,though I never bothered to find out). Afterwards I attendedPennState University in State College, PA, pursuing a degreeincomparative literature (but, alas[!] ran out of funds).I so loved driving through the "Seven Mountains" outside ofStateCollege that I mention it in Finding Christmasville.For twenty years I was employed as a controller/directorinhotels and casinos(including eight years with theTrumpOrganization in Atlantic City and four years at Mohegan SuninConnecticut).For several years, I winged it as a consultant withlong-rangeclients - the Atlantis property on Paradise Island in theBahamas,a restaurant chain in Atlanta, GA, etc. OK - enough.In 2004 I started writing fiction again, steadfast inmydetermination to complete my first novel, Christmasville.Theproject required four years, writing the novel between 4:00A.M.and 9:00 A.M. every morning, driving afterwards (on weekdays)theseventy-one miles to a hotel outside of Boston, where I was ahotelcontroller. The second novel of the trilogy,FindingChristmasville, was released for publication in December of2012. Iexpect the final volume of the Christmasville Trilogy,tentativelytitled Saving Christmasville, to be published by thefall of 2014.In addition to the three volumes which comprise thetrilogy, afourth book, A Brief Memoir of Christmasville, andalluded to inFinding Christmasville, will also be published shortlythereafter.The Memoir reveals Lars Neilson's nostalgic remembrancesof a townand culture wholly entrenched in the Main Streettraditions andvalues that preceded malls, Internet and globaleconomies.
Author Ashlee North 3.0.1
First-time author Ashlee North lives ontheGold Coast of Australia. She helps people with disabilitiesfindservices to help them live independent lives. Her desire isthatthis book will give others hope and the persistence to livethroughdifficulty and believe there will be a better day to come.This app is free of ads and only requests access to yourinternetconnection and your mobile network in order to view siteslinkedto.Screenshots are taken from a Sunsung Galaxy S3. Screenresolution720x1280, 320 XHDPILove & Light & Keep Bright,Your Friendly Neighbourhood Android App Developer,Nate Chambers
Author Anna Jorgensen 1.0
AboutADVISORY: Sarcasm, swears and funny shit. May provoke thought.Orlaughter. (At me.) Not safe for those with stick in arse.BiographyAbout the AuthorA cross between Jim Carrey (animated, goofy), ChelseaHandler(bitter, potty-mouth), Brigitte Bardot (torturedsoul,woman-child--70s hair).About Anna's Personal Blog ( the Memoir - Me: A RewriteFrom Vanity Insanity to Self-Acceptance (Sort of)…Anna Jorgensen does what many of us have dreamed of doing:sheescapes her life. In an entertaining collection of vignettes,thisbeige-on-beige, buttoned-up, uptight top realtor of twentyyearsditches small town Canada and heads for big city PacificNorthwestto live a secret life as herself—unrestricted andunfiltered. Shefinds herself in several new roles: a coming undoneblogger,screenwriter, and writer extraordinaire.In this 2 year snippet of Anna’s life as Elaine, shecomesface-to-lasered-face with her fear of change in life, love,andlooks—her aging face, furrowing brow, sagging butt—all withanelevated (if confused) spirit. Searching for self-acceptanceandauthenticity, Elaine adopts a Yes! Girl attitude and meetsstuds,duds, and dudes—some handsome, some desperate, but nokeepers.Anna considers such questions as: Should she try botox? Istheresuch a thing as “the one”? Can men and (pretty) women reallybefriends? Will she have the courage to switch from Gucci toGoodwillin order to give up her bitter broker bitchiness andpursuecreativity and … well, anything else?The self-interrogation doesn’t end there and comes detailedinvivid scenes, often accompanied by politically incorrectramblingsand whatever character she’s taken along for the ride. Andsoonyou’ll want to join her, and laugh with her, at her, andtoyourself.
iShare Agency 1.0
iSHARE Agency is a subsidiary of BusinessOverCoffee International, bringing renowned experts to a globalagencyplatform focusing on multi-disciplinary and industryprojects.What is Your Mission?To Bring Experts Together that signify the pinnacle of “Renowned”intheir field of expertise.What is Your Vision?To empower entrepreneurs, professionals, small business,largecorporations, organizations and groups by providing a teamfortheir project that delivers through collaboration ofrenownedexpertise.What are Your Strong Points as an Agency?High Level of Expertise For Your Project Project Management ForYourProject Team Development For Your Project Team Training ForYourProject Customized Packages and Teams for All Clients…CreatingtheRight Fit and Feel Complimentary Teleconference forDiscoveryProcess 3, 6, 9 Month and 1 Year Project Options (Otheroptionsavailable upon request) Manageable Scope of Payment forYourProject According to Your Budget Development of Project inPhasesto Provide an Attainable Goal with Tangible Evidence WithinaReasonable Amount of Time; i.e. Phase I Phase II – PhaseIIIBooking of Speakers for Your Corporate, Group orOrganizationalEvent Consideration of Your Expertise in Speaking forListing onExpert Speaker Page
Ann Van De Water 2.0.2
This mom of 3 sons candidly shareshermothering adventures in "Mommy Memoirs" currently available asaneBook, relaunching on Feb.1st as a paperback!BiographyAnn Van De Water is mom to three grown sons and grandmother oftwo.She's also a Certified Leadership ParentingCoach( )and has taught parenting and marriage courses locally. Ann hasbeeninterviewed on Christian radio several times and was afeaturedwriter in the Buffalo News and a speaker for MOPS groups.She isnow a contributing author in another two books: one entitled"IBelieve in Heaven" and a book called "New Life Within", aprojectfrom to help young mothers choose life!DescriptionMom and author, Ann wants to share her journey through motherhoodsoother women can relate, reminisce and rejoice in theiradventuresright along with her. If you are a mom, want to be amom, know a momor have a mom, you will enjoy her book~ full ofhumor and a greatdeal of wisdom, she takes you step by step: fromthe moment shefound out she was expecting her first and bumpedinto her OB-Gyn atchurch(!) to launching her youngest off tocollege and experiencingthe empty nest and the ever-so-hystericalhysterectomy! She willhave you laughing out loud one minute andgrabbing for tissues thenext! Enjoy a copy...available currently as an eBook,and in Jan./Feb. 2014 inpaperback (pre-order now!) and aroundMother's Day as an audiobook!
Author Carlie Sexton 3.0.2
If you believe your life is the sum totalofyour choices, what do you do when things just don’t add up? Youareabout to find out. It won’t be pretty. It won’t be dull.Andsurely, it won’t be safe. And so it is with author CarlieSexton'swriting style. Erotic, passionate and enticing. All thosegoodthings that makes a heart skip a beat and make you want toreadmore.
Author Marsha Casper Cook 5.0.2
IntroductionHi I am an Author, Screenwriter and host of a Good Story Is aGoodStory on Blog Talk Radio- World Of Ink Network. More aboutMarsha -go to Website www.michiganavenuemedia.comwww.marcusbryan.comhttp://www.marshacaspercook.comI would like to have you on one of of our shows if youhavetime.http://www.worldofinknetwork.comThank youMarsha.Bragging rightsAward winning screenplays.OccupationAuthor of Novels and Sceenplays - Blog Talk Radio HostSkillsSpeaker and Author Radio Blog Talk HostEmploymentMichigan Avenue MediaPresident, 2001 - present
Author Donna M. McDine 3.0.2
Take a spell bounding ride into the storiesofaward-winning children's author, Donna McDine. Be prepared fortheadrenaline rush of escaping via the Underground Railroad, theslipof the ice beneath your skates, the harsh reality of the RoyalNavyPress Gangs, the discovery of whale poachers at the beach,orexperience the first day of kindergarten nervousness. Therollercoaster action in each escapade will transport the readerinto aspecific time period. One never knows where they will end up,pastor present. So come on in for a front row seat in Donna'swritingworld.
Author Frank Fiore 4.0.2
Frank Fiore is a bestselling author withmorethan 50,000 copies of his non-fiction books in print. He hasnowturned his talents to writing fiction.Chronicles of Jeremy Nash Boxed Set - "Wow. What a ride! FrankFiorekeeps the pedal-to-the-metal in this high-octane,rip-snorting,globe-spanning, mystery-solving, puzzle within apuzzle series ofexcellent books. Jeremy Nash belongs on the bigscreen, and FrankFiore is the next big deal in adventure writing.Great job!">J.R. Rain<Frank has also written “To Christopher” that, under the guise ofabook to his young son, leads the reader through socialcommentary,personal experience and entertaining stories that takethe readeron a thoughtful journey through the challenges andopportunitiesthat face the next generation. Frank’s writingexperience alsoincludes guest columns on social commentary andfuture trendspublished in the Arizona Republic and the Tribunepapers in themetro Phoenix area. Through his writings, he has shownan abilityto explain in a simplified manner, complex issues andtrends.During his college years, he founded, wrote and edited the NewTimesnewspaper, now a multi-state operation, which recentlypurchased TheVillage Voice. Frank’s interests in future patternsand trends rangeover many years and numerous projects. He co-wrotethe TerranProject, a self-published book on community futuresdesignprocesses, and worked as a researcher for Alvin Toffler on aseriesof high school texts on the future. He has designed andtaughtcourses and seminars on the future of society, technologyandbusiness and was appointed by the Mayor of Phoenix to serve onthePhoenix Futures Forum as co-chairperson; serving on severalvitalcommittees.Frank has a B.A. in Liberal Arts and General Systems TheoryfromStockton State College and a Masters Degree in Education attheUniversity of Phoenix. He and his wife of 30 years have oneson.They live in Paradise Valley, AZ.
Author Louise Gaylord 2.0.2
Louise Gaylord is an acclaimednationalaward-winning author who established herself with her veryfirstbook, a suspenseful murder mystery centering on a young,sharpfemale assistant district attorney. This was the cornerstoneofwhat has become her popular Allie Armington mystery series,theidea for it sparked when Louise herself spent three months onagrand jury panel.Theseries has grown to four novels, with stories ranging fromtheSouthwest (“Anacacho” and “Spa Deadly”) to New York (“Xs”), tothemost recent (“Dark Lake”) featuring her belovedAdirondacks.In the middle of establishing her mystery writer credentials,sheexpanded out of the genre with an insightful character studynovel,“Julia Fairchild,” and then the delightful “Recipes fromCampTrillium.” The cookbook features worldwide recipes fromLouise’sfamily and guests during years they visited her in NewYork’sAdirondack Mountains.Her first Allie Armington Mystery, “Anacacho,” won the 2003NationalBenjamin Franklin Award for Best Mystery/Suspensesponsored byPublisher’s Marketing Association in Los Angeles. TheSan FranciscoBook Festival awarded Louise with best audio book in2010 for “SpaDeadly.”“Recipes from Camp Trillium” won the DanPoynter’s GlobaleBook Awards, in which “Julia Fairchild” and “SpaDeadly” were alsofinalists. And most recently, “Dark Lake” wasrecognized in theGeneral Fiction category of the Los Angeles BookFestival.Louise’s newest book, “Sutton Place,” will be published August27,2013, by Little Moose Press, Beverly Hills, California.Louise lives in Houston, Texas, though she might be foundwritingalmost anywhere in the world.